How Configure Webhooks for Automatic Syncing Between Square and WooCommerce

After obtaining your Square access token and configuring the initial Square integration, you can further enhance your syncing capabilities by setting up a webhook. This allows for automatic inventory updates between Square and WooCommerce in real-time, ensuring your online and physical stores are always in sync.

Setting Up a Webhook in Square #

square webhook

Step 1: Navigate to the Developer Dashboard: #

  1. Log into your Square Dashboard and go to the Developer section.
  2. Select the application you created for WooCommerce Sync.

Step 2: Creating a Webhook : #

  1. Click on the Webhooks tab within your application settings.
  2. Select Add Endpoint to create a new webhook.
  3. In the Endpoint URL field, enter the URL provided by the Square-Woo Sync plugin on the settings page.
  4. Set the API version to 2024-06-04
  5. For Event Types, Subscribe to the “catalog.version.updated” and “inventory.count.updated” options. This ensures that any changes in Square trigger an update in WooCommerce.
  6. After configuring your endpoint and selecting the desired event types, click Save.

Square will now send notifications to your WooCommerce site whenever the specified events occur, triggering automatic updates. This real-time synchronization helps maintain consistency between your online and physical store inventories.

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Updated on 6 August 2024