

This WordPress plugin provides a seamless integration between Square and Woocommerce, enabling small business owners to effortlessly sync their online and physical inventory. With features like live sync, automatic options, dynamic data imaging, image import, and variations support, managing your inventory has never been easier. Our intuitive UI and dedicated customer support ensure you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.


Before installing the plugin, ensure you have:

  • An active WordPress website.
  • Woocommerce installed and set up on your WordPress site.
  • An active Square account.

Installation Guide

Step 1: Download the Plugin

  1. Purchase/download the Square-Woo Sync from your account under the “Downloads” tab. Login here.
  2. You will receive a .zip file of the plugin; do not unzip this file.

Step 2: Install the Plugin on Your WordPress Site

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
  4. Choose the .zip file you downloaded earlier, then click Install Now.
  5. After the installation is complete, click Activate Plugin.

Step 3: Activate Your License

  1. Upon activation, navigate to the plugin page accessible via the newley created SquareWooSync menu item.
  2. You’ll be promopted to enter your license key and email in the provided field. This key should have been provided to you upon purchase of the plugin.
  3. Click Activate License. You will receive a confirmation once your license is verified and activated. This step is crucial for receiving updates and support.

Step 4: Retrieve Your Square Access Token

Before configuring the Square integration in the WordPress dashboard, you need to obtain an access token from Square. This token allows the Square-Woo Sync plugin to securely interact with your Square account.

  1. Log in to your Square Developer Dashboard: You can follow this guide from Square to create your access token:

  2. Create a New Application:
    • Click on the + New Application button.
    • Enter a name for your application (e.g., “WooCommerce Sync”) and click Create Application. This name helps identify the plugin’s connection in your Square account.

  3. Obtain Access Token:
    • Once your application is created, select it from the list of your applications.
    • Navigate to the Credentials tab.
    • Ensure you select the “Production” tab.
    • Here, you will find your Personal Access Token. This token is sensitive and should be kept secure.

  4. Copy the Personal Access Token: Click the Copy button next to the token to copy it to your clipboard. You’ll need this token to configure the Square integration in the next step.

  5. API Version: set your api version to 2024-06-04. See below.

Step 5: Configure Square Integration

  1. Navigate to SquareWooSync > Settings tab in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Enter Your Square Access Token: Paste the Square access token you obtained in the previous step into the designated field.

Step 6 (Optional): Configure Webhooks for Automatic Syncing

After obtaining your Square access token and configuring the initial Square integration, you can further enhance your syncing capabilities by setting up a webhook. This allows for automatic inventory updates between Square and WooCommerce in real-time, ensuring your online and physical stores are always in sync.

Setting Up a Webhook in Square

  1. Navigate to the Developer Dashboard:
    • Log into your Square Dashboard and go to the Developer section.
    • Select the application you created for WooCommerce Sync.
  2. Create a Webhook:
    • Click on the Webhooks tab within your application settings.
    • Select Add Endpoint to create a new webhook.
    • In the Endpoint URL field, enter the URL provided by the Square-Woo Sync plugin on the settings page.
    • Set the API version to 2024-06-04
    • For Event Types, Subscribe to the “catalog.version.updated” and “inventory.count.updated” options. This ensures that any changes in Square trigger an update in WooCommerce.
  3. Save the Webhook:
    • After configuring your endpoint and selecting the desired event types, click Save.
    • Square will now send notifications to your WooCommerce site whenever the specified events occur, triggering automatic updates.

Select automatic sync data

Under the plugin settings SquareWooSync > Settings, enable the Square To Woo toggle and select which data you would like the plugin to automatically update when Square updates.